Debasish Saha, Ph.D.
Soil Science and Biogeochemistry
Peer-reviewed publications
12) McDaniel, M.D., Saha, D., Dumont, M.G., Hernández, M., Adams, M.A. The effect of land-use change on soil CH4 and N2O fluxes: a meta-analysis (under review in Ecosystems).
11) Morris, A.H., Isbell, S.A., Kaye, J.P., and Saha, D. Mitigating nitrogen pollution with under-sown legume-grass cover crop mixtures in winter cereals (under review in Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment).
10) Saha, D., Kemanian, A. R., Montes, F., Gall, H., Rau, B. M., and Adler, P. R. 2018. Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient reveal hot spots and hot moments for nitrous oxide emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeochemistry. doi: 10.1002/2017JG004041 (full text).
9) Zanella, A., Bolzonella, C., Lowenfels, J., Ponge, J. F., Bouché, M., Blouin, M., Saha, D., Kukal, S. S., Fritz, I., Fukuoka, M., Savory, A., Juilleret, J., Sartori, L., Tatti, D., Kellerman, L., Trachsel, P., Bourgos, S., Minasny, B., McBratney, A. 2018. Humusica 2, Article 19: Techno humus systems and global change - conservative agriculture and 4/1000 proposal. Applied Soil Ecology, 122 (2), 271-296.
8) Saha, D., Kemanian, A. R., Rau, B. M., Adler, P. R., and Montes, F. 2017. Designing efficient nitrous oxide sampling strategies in agroecosystems using simulation models. Atmospheric Environment, 155, 189-198. (full text).
7) Saha, D., Rau, B. M., Kaye, J. P., Montes, F., Adler, P. R., and Kemanian, A. R. 2017. Landscape control of nitrous oxide emissions during the transition from conservation reserve program to perennial grasses for bioenergy. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 9, 783-795, doi:10.1111/gcbb.12395. Cover of the GCB Bioenergy issue 9.4. (full text).
6) Kukal, S. S., Saha, D., Sharma, P., and Sharma, B. D. 2016. Profile distribution of carbon fractions under long-term rice-wheat and maize-wheat production in Alfisols and Inceptisols of northwest India. Land Degradation and Development, 27, 1205–1214. doi: 10.1002/ldr.2299.
5) Saha, D., and Kukal, S. S. 2015. Soil structural stability and water retention characteristics under different land uses of degraded lower Himalayas of North-West India. Land Degradation and Development, 26, 263–271. doi: 10.1002/ldr.2204.
4) Saha, D., Kukal S. S., and Bawa, S. S. 2014. Soil organic carbon stock and fractions in relation to land use and soil depth in the degraded Shiwaliks hills of lower Himalayas. Land Degradation and Development, 25, 407–416, doi: 10.1002/ldr.2151.
3) Mriganka De, Saha, D., and Chakraborty, S. 2014. Soil structure and strength characteristics in relation to slope segments in a degraded Typic Ustochrepts of North-West India. Soil Horizons, doi:10.2136/sh13-09- 0022.
2) Kukal S. S., Saha, D., Bhowmik, A., and Dubey, R. K. 2012. Water retention characteristics of soil bio- amendments used as growing media in pot culture. Journal of Applied Horticulture, 14, 92-97.
1) Saha, D., Kukal, S. S., and Sharma, S. 2011. Land use impacts on SOC fractions and aggregate stability in Typic Ustochrepts of Northwest India. Plant and Soil, 339, 457-470.
Media publications
Energy crop production on conservation lands may not boost greenhouse gases